Uh Oh,

So just a quick little funny story before I go off to be for the night. I was visiting my friend Tiff with my son on Saturday, and well, Gavin was being a 2 year old. He decided to climb on her rolling desk chair, and face planted to the hardwood floor of her kitchen. A few minutes later, he's got a big ole knot on his head, and we could see the bruise forming already. Poor kid. Well, he went to his grandma's for a couple of hours on Sunday night, and she asked him what happened to his head. He pointed at his head, and told her... "Maw Maw, head broke." I couldn't help it, I cracked up laughing just because he's telling her that he broke his head! So for the last few days, everytime someone asks him what happened to his head, he tells them that his head is broke. Silly boy, the things you hear out of 2 year olds with limited vocabulary.
Good night all!
Happy Scrappin'


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